I nearly forgot...
o... okay...
hey guys.. it's me once again with the continuation of the "Chapter" series. right now it's Chapter 24 and.. it's the 1st chapter of my life in 2011...
BUT, 1st of all, I know I was a dick by not wishing you guys and girls this but...
but seriously... don't you people want to know where was I during the past few days that I've been AFK-ing??
well.. not much...
I was just packing up.. you know.. the usual stuff... for school...
you know what, I should just cut the sarcrapsm...
okay, I was just packing up for the national service, which will start live nationally by next week and I'm leaving home by tomorrow.
I'm kinda excited because..
instead of being a potato at home playing video games, watch tv and sleeping, I will be getting a whole new experience.. an experience like.. the song "A Whole New World" from "Aladdin"! I'll get a new fantastic point of view~ no one could tell me no.. or where to go~!
wait a minute... I'm blogging the lyrics already...
so yeah.. I'm gonna have a whole new experience.. I'm kinda looking forward to the M16 training... it's going to be the 1st time that I'll be handling a rifle. well, I always thought that I should start with a handgun instead of a rifle but... hey... who cares.. I'll be carrying guns..
and yes.. I'm really glad that I'm chosen for this programme... I mean... out of the millions of ex form 5 all over Malaysia, I got picked.
erm.. the song.. "Wira Wirawati"..
honestly.. I've never heard the song.. I've never even try to memorise and sing the song. hahaha.. sorry... xD
it's not like I'm not being patriotic but I think I would love the song... but I'll try not to listen to it now. I'll save it until the day I leave this town because... well... the title says so.
from my perspective.. only Heroes and Heroines are able to sing this song!
not only life there would be fun.. it'll be like PRISON.
though I don't know how prison is like but... you know... 6 days in camp.. 1 day out to church.. then I can't go anywhere else but to follow back the bus to camp and then visiting time. one thing I don't like about this is.. I have to wear my uniform for every time I leave the camp to do outdoor activities (none physical activities). that's like.. a PRISONER on PAROL or.. like those dudes who collects trash on the sidewalks using sticks while being supervised by officers.
Imagine me in PLKN uniform doing outdoor activities like these |
I'm not a prisoner okay..? I'm doing the country a favour.. I mean.. I even let you people touch my hair.. and shave it..
but guess what.. once I'm out.. you can't touch it no more.. coz I'mma go JOHNNY BRAVO!
that's right... that's Johnny Bravo alright |
okay.. that's too much.. I'm just ranting on small stuffs... you know me :D
well.. all I know is, it ain't going to be like school no more. I just saw my younger cousins going to school today and memories of my days at school are all coming back to me once more... it makes me feel like... this isn't right! but hey... I'm too old for middle school... it's time to go high.. on ecstasy...
...... high education I mean.....
everybody is moving on... but to those who still wants to stay... be my guest. just make sure Mama Yong doesn't catch you and shave you down.
before I end this sarcraptic blog...
I just want you guys to know that...
I found out that my parents would want to enrol me into college sooner. and to those who has read my blog in Chapter 22.. I guess I'm heading much more to the 2nd scenario.
this also means that.. I have to put my dreams on hold once more. I need more time to study though I think my old habits of procrastinating my works is still with me... hahaha.. I hope it goes away... please...
any update of me and my girlfriend???
well yeah... I'm glad we're still going strong. ever since I finished middle school, we only get to meet once on the 28th of December. I enjoyed every second of it... though we had a small "argument" at the end of the day. but anyways, since now it's going to be a distant relationship, we decided that we should go for it and see what happens. I'm not saying anything will be for sure but I just want to try and work this out for now.
what did we share together???
erm.. you know what... forget that...
it's only for her and I okay... hahaha! I'm just kiddin guys...
till the next post guys! in 3 months of course! I LOVE YOU ALL though I know there ain't much readers reading my sarcraptic blog...
Zackie out~
by the way, sarcrapsm means sarcastic + crap.. it's a new word by me..