December 24, 2010

My Randomness!! Ep. 13: It's Christmas??!!

hey guys!

guess what?

it's Christmas Eve!

guess what?

I'm so hyped up!

guess what?

I see Christmas trees everywhere!

guess what?

guess again...



it's Christmas Eve! well, I've said that already. anyway~ here I am again, sitting in the living room blogging on Blogger at this time of the day. it's now 8.11pm and there's about 3 hours and 49 mins to Christmas! whoohoo~!!

I know you guys are wondering..

what the **** am I doing at home?? on Christmas Eve?? BLOGGING??

okay.. let me break it to you guys...

basically.. I'm not having any Christmas celebration. not this year. I know.. it's sad but I have to face it.. everybody else in my family are very.. VERY busy at the moment. my family members actually got a plan to make a Christmas family dinner, not on Christmas Eve but on Christmas day at night...


due to some personal classified reasons...


so here I am! just sitting here and blogging about my 2010 Christmas experience! :D
erm... am I suppose to be happy about it? well, for me, it's the 1st time this happens but never mind...
what's important is I'm looking forward to my national service which I will leave this town on the 4th of January 2011. at first, I am so.. so.. very panic about it because... I thought that the program will immediately start right after I check in. but no, I have one week freedom and orientation in the camp.. which is in Tanaki, Tambunan. good news for me, I'll be joining the program along side classmate, buddy, and best friend, Kelvin Kong! hey Kelvin, I hope you're reading this... I'm just... promoting you


I hope this program doesn't suck like previous years.. I mean, look at the 1st ever national service program back then.. they don't have ENOUGH activities and ENOUGH facilities..

it wouldn't be a problem if it only last for a month... or a week... that'll be enough...

BUT 3 MONTHS???????

are you kidding me????

well, at least now the facilities and activities are in mere completion and from that, I might actually enjoy it.. literally..

moving on... saw my new profile pic in my facebook page? my intention of putting that on is so that you guys can enjoy a last look at my nice, cool, and kinda good-looking image of myself...
my current look

coz after this.. there'll be no more nice.. cool... and kinda good-looking image of myself. I'll be looking much fiercer! I'll be JOHN CENA!


look.. I was just kidding..

the thing I actually wanted from this program is the fitness.. I want to get really fit.. you know.. so I could last.. on any battlefield.. now.. I couldn't last in a dog-fight in a Call of Duty game... *sighs*

and.. I need the muscles.. I know some of you guys want me to gain some fats and muscles on my body so I would look less.. "drug pusher" like and more like Jacob of the Twilight series.. guess what.. I prefer the Taeyang body..!

yeah~! I should be like him.. I mean.. he's asian.. I'M ASIAN. I should have the ASIAN MUSCLES.. not a... fictional novel werewolf body sh*t..

sorry Jacob fans...

well, yeah so now.. I'm kinda skinny.. and though I'm actually weighing at 59kgs (it's true), I need to look at least good and healthy looking. I'm only afraid that I'll get skinnier... like my bro about 2 years ago.. he went to the same national service, 3 months later he came back looking much scarier than looking at Michael Jackson before he dies...

yeah.. I think that's pretty much like it..

oh yeah..

my bro.. Abraham.. he's coming back on Christmas. yes and I mean at 12 midnight.. tomorrow! I ain't going to sleep now because I already slept 3 hours straight just now in the afternoon.

man.. I miss him..

by the way.. if anybody's asking what's he doing now.. here's some things you guys should know..

1) he's currently studying at a well known university
2) he's going to be 20 next year.. an adult!
3) he's doing a whole lot well in his studies compared to in SMSM.. and he's taking biology, physics, and chemistry!!
4) he's still single xD
5) he's still kinda the same old Abraham we know.. I know
6) and.. he's my older brother... yeah....

now that's all done about my bro.. here's what's what about me!

erm... I think you don't need to know... coz you DO already know... that I'm asian...


I was thinking.. about.. you know.. making my first VLOG. YES, a VIDEO LOG.. on YouTube! I've been inspired by the likes of Nigahiga and Kevjumba.. I mean, they're great dudes with all their funny videos that can make anybody's day. but for me to make my own video, I need a cam.. I don't have a cam so I've to hold on for the moment. I think I'll start my 1st vlog.. right after national service..

I've already had some ideas on my vlogs.. it's going to be countless vids on my very own blog-made "My Randomness!!" episodes..

it's just a plan... okay... I really hope this could work... or maybe not because, I'll be on to my main plans which was in my last blog post, "Chapter 22: The Turning Points 2011".

well.. I guess that's it for "My Randomness!!" for tonight...

on my next blog post... I'll give you a hint, it's still a "My Randomness!!" episode but this time.. I'll be writing about.. "My Choice of Hair Styles".. and after that maybe another continuation of my life stories in the "Chapter" series...

till the next post~! Zackie out!

December 15, 2010

Chapter 22: The Turning Points 2011

OMG... I just can't believe it. I know.. but it's so "all of a sudden kind of feeling" you know. I just can't believe that my SPM examination is finally OVER... plus.. my school life is also finally OVER, PERIOD. as a reality, I'm so surprised. I don't even know what to say..

and so.. my thoughts on my exam.. how was it? if you ask me.. well, here's a summary of it:

-out of the 10 subjects I take, my prediction is I'll get 8As 2Bs.. or 9As 1B. maybe I'll get Cs somewhere but I thought I did it alright

-the hardest subject for me during SPM was Sejarah and Chemistry.

-honestly, I did not feel any stress at all. I did feel some stress but very little compared to during normal school examinations and much more little stress than during PMR exams 2 years ago.

-because of SPM, I kinda don't have the Christmas feeling... I know it's kinda bad but at least right now I can feel it.. kinda xD

-everytime SPM draws nearer to the end, I thought of my classmates and my friends. I treasured them so much. but time has to move on... it's one of the turning points of our lives and we must be well prepared to face it. though we can still meet. YOU GUYS AND GIRLS ROCK

-I'm gonna miss school.. seriously.. it really suck for me to watch my school slowly goes far away from me when I entered my car and drove home everyday.

so.. that's all of my summary on SPM. and guess what? I'M SO DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oops.. hehe.. sorry, I said that already. I'm just so "excited"... just like a nuclear reaction. anyways... to all my form 5 friends... what are you going to do now???

well, since I'm the one blogging here, I might just as well... tell you my "scenario" or better, my "plan" for the coming season. it's not that much but at least I can let you guys get the better picture of what's to come in my life. but first, let me tell you that, there will be 2 possible life scenarios in my life of 2011 if EVERYTHING goes well. IF all goes well..


-I'll be going to PLKN first thing. there, I'll get my head shaved like nobody's business. hell, this sucks. ain't no way I'm liking this but what I really hoped for in this program is to get the fitness level I'm aiming for. currently I couldn't stand long badminton singles matches because of the lack of stamina after I stopped training this year.

-when I get back, this is where everybody and I will be taking of SPM results! oh, I'll be seeing you guys and girls again! I'm actually looking forward to this day even right now. I can expect difference in everybody during this time.. maybe a difference in hairstyles.. body structure (as in muscles or.. gettin HAWT xD).. or some will just be the same, like me! haha.

-after getting my results, this is when I decide to take a break for the whole year of 2011. taking a break not as in doing nothing or stay at home like a pig and have fun. but I'm taking life to a whole new level.. that is, to play badminton professionally! get what I mean? not as in become a national player like Lee Chong Wei.. but I want to live at least just a bit of my dreams. so, I'll be focusing on the badminton scene during this time period.. I'm planning to rejoin the AST badminton club but this time to the most elite group, where state players are born. though I will find it hard to fit in because most of them will look down on me, but with my talent and heart to work hard, I'll go far. my actual dream was to be like Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan.. playing badminton in the international scene has always been my dream and go big by winning tournaments and even.. the Olympic gold. but due to my parents disapprovement on the matter.. at least I get to just live part of it and I thank them so much for it. hope you guys and girls will support me although my chances are quite small. and during this period of time also, I'll be taking driving! I'll finally get a "P" and I can drive around freely.. for awhile.

-2011 passes.. I'll finally hang up my racket, and further my studies in Nirwana College in Kuala Lumpur in the January intake of 2012. I'll be taking up medical and might be going to KURSK in Russia or to India which will take up 5 years of my life time. then, I'll be taking my specialist course for another 3 years in Malaysia itself in Radiology.. where I will inherit my uncle's business in Klinik Kissey. come meet me sometimes if you have problems! or if you're... pregnant.. hehehehe xD

well, that's all of my 1st scenario of my life after SPM.. here's scenario 2


-going to PLKN

-take SPM results

-go back to badminton, but this time for only awhile because I'll be preparing to go to Nirwana College in the September intakes.

-I'll finish my studies much more earlier than 1st scenario. and during this period, I'll be taking up driving and get my "P" license. now I can drive you guys around!

well.. that's all for the plans that I may be taking after I'm done with 2010. hope everything goes well. honestly, both plans work well on me but I prefer Scenario 1 better.

WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS? haha.. till the next post.. Zackie out~!

December 13, 2010

My Randomness!! Ep. 12: When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes

yo yo yo~! all Yellowcard fans! have you heard the news??

YES! you definitely heard it right! YELLOWCARD is BACCCCK! they are going to rock your music stores again on March 2011 with their all-new album "When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes". fans can hear more of Ryan Key who is the lead singer of the band once more! stay tuned.. they are the Only One band who plays their musics with violin :P