October 27, 2010

My Randomness!! Ep. 10: The Number 54

Hey guys! today's episode of My Randomness!! is a short blog post about the number "54".

1st of all.. have you noticed my e-mail address having the number "54" (zack_cena54@yahoo.com/chronicle_zac54@hotmail.com)? I'm sure you all do..
many of you asked me many times before about why do I put the number 54 in my e-mail address. even my favourite number used to be the number itself. I get multiple views about my pick on the number such as:

- that's the actual year he was born(1954)
- his favourite number
- it's his favourite movie (the movie Studio 54)
- that's his age.. he's not a teen, but an old hag

and so.. I get such views like these but now finally I'm going to answer them..

have you ever thought about WWE pro wrestler John Cena a few years back?

YES. he was wearing football jerseys with the number 54 on it. I was a WWE crazed fan back when I was younger (13-15 years old) and my favourite wrestler was John Cena. I was so influenced by his character that I made "54" my favourite number. obviously my yahoo account says so.

anyways, that's it for now.. hope you didn't like this post coz it's totally random ;P

Zack Kissey, out!

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