June 18, 2011

My Randomness!! Ep. 21: That's You, That's Me

Fate, perhaps this was the way,
to admire without love,
it does not matter to me, as long as you're always happy,
content and always blessed, that's you.

a long time a feeling like this was kept hidden,
waiting for you to accept my heart,
it does not matter to me, for as long as you were in my sight,
feeling contented and blessed for the moment, that's me.

I wanted you to know, I wanted to wait for you,
even if it means waiting until I would draw my final breath,
to hope that this would last forever,
to hold you in my arms until it's over.

I need you, but I don't want you,
now, for just awhile, I'll just dwell on what we were together,
not who we were together.

That's you..

That's me..

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